
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Slacker Mom, Slacker Teacher

This morning I read a wonderful blog post .  It really opened my eyes to see that I am a slacker mom and slacker teacher. 

I am totally disorganized.  I also think I have Attention Deficit.  These are not great things to be when it comes to being a mom and teacher.  

At the end of every day, I struggle with the fact that really, in all those hours, I have accomplished very little, especially when it comes to our homeschool.  And I have to face the fact that I am the one who is causing this, not the students.

My teenage son is a "reluctant learner".  He's very intelligent, but just doesn't get much work done.  I have to really stay on him for him to stay "on task".  And do I do that?  No.  I'm floating around doing umpteen other things besides teaching school:  laundry, dishes, sending out packages from my Etsy business, checking the computer, etc.  Meanwhile, he's wasting time doing everything but his work.  We are like parallel teacher and student, never meeting at all.  And that is just sad.

My girls pretty much get their work done on their own, with very little input from me.  They are able to stay on task while my son and I drift aimlessly from one thing to another.

I cannot expect something from my son that I myself am not able to do. 

It is me that needs to change before I can help him to change.

I am taking this issue to prayer, because I feel so weak in this area, so without self-discipline.  And I need to acquire it quickly, as I have so few years left to help my son to learn.

I plan to work with him, too, by admitting that I, too, have a problem focusing, setting goals and accomplishing them, especially when it is something I don't like to do.

I need to set a good example to my children, not only in learning self-discipline, but how I go about it.  They need to see my struggles and how I try to overcome them.  And maybe together we can become the homeschool I know we can and should be.

1 comment:

  1. I'll be praying for you as you commit to make changes for yourself and your son. It is so hard to set a good example and model what we are trying to teach our children. I often fight feelings of guilt when I fuss at my little ones for not cleaning their rooms when mine is just as unkept as theirs. May we all purpose to be the examples that our children need.


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