Finally, I have completed challenge 2. And it certainly was a challenge finding the time to get it done. Where did all these books come from?
First things to go were the piano books. Unfortunately, the piano is to the left of the bench and so all the books migrate to the homeschool area. I went through those and relegated them to another shelf.
Kitty tents and tubes were put out for the cats to play with.
Art supplies and general school supplies went into a basket on another shelf.
I then separated each child's books into what they were using at this time. The "maybe" books or the "next year" books were packed into a labeled box that is now stored with other homeschool items not currently being used.
I also put all my teacher's books, answer keys and lesson plans together.
I think standing the books on end will make it easier to find what we are looking for rather than digging through stacks every day.
It doesn't look as nice as I wanted it to, but it will work for now. I'm looking for an inexpensive book shelf for all these things, but our budget is super-tight right now. So here is the after:
Now, if I can just get my students to keep it looking this way, it would be great!
Please join me in my next challenge which will be posted this week!
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