I did it. I survived the first week of Daylight Savings Time. Surviving Daylight Savings is so exhausting, I must say. I still feel like a zombie, wandering aimlessly through the day.
For instance, on Monday, it took a pry bar to get my eyes open. Now mind you, we homeschool, so I didn't have to be up to meet any time deadlines but my own. But still, starting homeschool at 10:00 a.m. can really put you behind the whole day. I decided to just accept the fact that Monday would be a "wasted" day and try not to stress out about all the things I wasn't accomplishing. And pray without ceasing!
And did you notice how long the evening seemed this week? It seemed that after dinner, it took forever to reach bedtime. I just gave up and went to bed to get it over with instead of waiting for it to come to me!
And if you take medication like I do, especially one that has to be taken at the same time every day, (and I mean on the dot), this week can be an exercise in math skills. My phone alarm would go off at 7:00 p.m. when I am scheduled to take it, but it would really only be 6:00 (pre-Daylight Savings). So I would have to set the timer for 50 minutes and take it then. Then the next day, I would set it for 45 minutes and so on and so forth. Even with all that, I am still struggling.
I feel bad for Moms with babies that eat every 3-4 hours. Just when you have their schedule all down pat, here comes Daylight Savings time to mess it up. I used to use the method that I use for my medication to try and ease my babies back into a schedule.
But, all in all, I survived Daylight Savings. I'm still feeling a little bleary-eyed and sort of in a fog, but it's getting better every day. And a gorgeous day like today helps a lot. I think I'll sit out on my deck for a bit today and enjoy Spring bursting at its seams.
God bless you and please, I love to hear from you! Feel free to leave a comment. I try to respond to each and every one!
This blog is to document my journey through life as a Christian, a wife and homeschooling mom of five. It is almost like a commentary on what I am dealing with at any given moment. And along the way, I hope to share what I have learned on that journey, both spiritually and practically.
I am usually like you...Living in a fog and having a hard time adjusting to the time change. This time around, I am getting up even earlier than normal and going to bed later. I am all messed up that way, but I have energy to burn. I think it's the beautiful weather we are having here that is keeping me energized. =)